
To have further depth and meaning in my outcomes, I have been looking into the work of Aidan Koch and Holly Warburton for both compositional and stylistic development to produce my final outcomes to the best of my ability. 

Aidan Koch uses fragmentation in the majority of her work, producing abstract pieces of comics and zines. She also produces pieces of art that reflect artefacts uninterrupted by time. (Reference 1) By looking into her work I am hoping to produce a new and more abstract way of showcasing the life and work of Le Prince. 

Holly Warburton was another artist I looked into for her style of work. She mainly observes what is around her and draws with bright colours and quick strokes, which I thought I could then transfer to my outcomes to have more of a tonal effect. 

Aidan Koch Images

Aidan Koch.jpg 

Image 10. 

Aidan Koch Pencil.jpg

 Image 11.


Image Development (Photoshop).

I started editing my images as there were some textures that I would not be able to replicate physically. I used the filter gallery function on photoshop to achieve this.

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 22.51.33.png

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 22.51.49.png

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 22.51.37.png

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 22.51.41.png

 After I used the filters I then started editing my outcomes to create my comic strips. 

Screenshot 2020-05-18 at 23.44.35.png

Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 18.03.33.png

Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 18.00.38.png

Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 19.30.57.png

 Screenshot 2020-05-19 at 19.58.52 copy.png

Image Development (Aidan Koch).

I found it difficult at first to produce my comic panels as I struggled to make the 'story' coherent. I started with the idea of his worries and him working on his camera and I let the ideas flow from that.

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-16 at 12.00.57 AM.jpeg

I used my left hand for the scruffier writing on the image below as I wanted to show his panic in another form as opposed to always relying on this facial expressions.

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-16 at 12.00.58 AM (1).jpeg

The image below image I think is one of the more successful outcomes because of the subtleness of the overall image. It doesn’t involve any facial expressions and relies on the text to deliver the overall message which is also helped by the closing of the hands. 

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-16 at 12.00.57 AM (1).jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-16 at 12.00.58 AM.jpeg

 For the image above I wanted to show how his inner thoughts and fears manifested inside of him over time and I liked how the texture can be seen which I think reflects the work of Koch well. 



comic strip louis.png

template 2.png

 For some of my outcomes I did end up using previous drawings that I have already used as I thought that they would be useful in producing different storylines and it was interesting to see what I could come up with. 

comic strip template copy.png

 Can I stop now?.png



Holly Warbourton


 Image 12.


 Image 13.


(Image Reference).

Image Development (Holly Worbourton).


I was reluctant at first to use bright colours when drawing Le Prince, but I decided to have it represent his inner creativity and curiosity with the contrast of the darker background.  

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-19 at 5.06.20 PM.jpeg  

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-19 at 5.06.20 PM (2).jpeg